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G11 Bipod Adapter Rail

G11 Bipod Adapter Rail

Christmas Sale!

This sale will run from 12/10/23 unstil 12/25/23


This G11 adjustable bipod adaper rail is made to function with the G11 Bolt-On scope mount. It allows your bipod to move forward or to the rear as your shooting profile dictates. Bipod not included!


This G11 rail type Bipod Adapter for the G11 series rifle may only be used together with the G11 Bolt on Scope Mount.

The G11 Bolt-on scope Mount Pictured is not included


Bipod NOT included!


Remove the front screw that attaches the G11 mount to the rifle. Do not loosen the rear screw. Align the hole at the back of the bipod rail with the hole at the front of the G11 mount. First, rotate the yoke up into the stock using simply hand pressure. Do not use any object to "tap" the yoke up into the stock.
 Now replace the new screw through the bipod rail anchor and back through the G11 mount and tighten into the rifle.  check your scopeto make sure the point of aim/impact did not change. 



      Attention EU customers!
      If your order is in excess of €160 (without shipping), we can now ship to you.
      The required annual licensing for us to ship for any amount less than that is extremely excessive.
      That could change in the future, but it is highly unlikely.
      If your order is in excess of $185.00 (without shipping)  we can now ship to you.
      We are sorry for this situation, but the EU VAT tax laws are firm . And we must comply.

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