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K31 Left hand operating system.

K31 Left hand operating system.

** LHO USERS****
This one is very important if you intend ordering a LHO.
The original Op-rod handle tab with the knob's factory spec was used in our manufacturing process. The prototype was tested here in Lost Prairie and  the tab fit perfectly into the recess cut in our bridge unit. Every single rifle fit perfectly but my son remembered that we had some 60 or more original op-rods in stock at the shop, so he began testing through all of those Op-rods. Out of the bunch, he found one that did not fit exactly, and that sent up a red flag.

My old friend Frank VanBinnendijk had told me  long ago something that a lot of folks have denied, including some gents that live in Switzerland. Frank told me "The great majority, but not all op rods were made at the factory in Bern. During the war, some were made in various cottage industries around Bern."

Looking at all these different op-rods we have here is telling me he was absolutely correct. No panic. Out of some 80 op-rods and rifles we have here, only two did not fit,
 The correction was made with a simple file,  taking no more than 20 seconds solved the problem.
I'm posting a few pictures depicting exactly what I'm talking about.  Apparently some were manufactured by those outside industries with a very slight bulge along either the straight edge or the circular part of that tab. If you have one of those very uncommon op-rods produced outside of Bern, 20 to 30 seconds with any metal file along that edge solves the problem.

**IMPORTANT*  if you cannot do that simple process yourself or don't know a friend who can do it for you, then please DO NOT order this LHO. (See the offer at the bottom) The fit is critical but simply resolved. The chances that you have one made in Bern is very good.

 Anything in the photos that show a silver area is where we used a few strokes with a file. There may have been a second one, but he was only able to find one of them that did not fit.

For those who do not feel comfortable using a file, we offer this service. As long as you cover postage  both ways, we will correct your op-rod for you and ship back. There will not be many of you that need to use this option but it is there if needed.   Do NOT file any part of the LHO.  We're always available on the Swiss Products helpline to solve your problems, should there be any.




      Attention EU customers!
      If your order is in excess of €160 (without shipping), we can now ship to you.
      The required annual licensing for us to ship for any amount less than that is extremely excessive.
      That could change in the future, but it is highly unlikely.
      If your order is in excess of $185.00 (without shipping)  we can now ship to you.
      We are sorry for this situation, but the EU VAT tax laws are firm . And we must comply.

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